


In the Engineering area, IEME Brasil operates in the analysis of structural safety, in the monitoring of pathologies and in vibro-acoustic controls, both in civil and metro-rail works. It adopts internationally recognized state-of-the-art technologies, such as the dynamic analysis of structures, which consists of monitoring their vibrations and comparing their response in the field to the calculated theoretical value. For this work, IEME Brasil also relies on Vibrodina, a mechanical vibration generator capable of transmitting them to the structure, simulating the maximum admissible loads. This type of analysis allows you to break down possible problems and optimize the cost of your repairs. >> Learn more


Urban Development

In the area of Urban Development, IEME Brasil operates in issues related to housing and accessibility, carrying out diagnoses of the urban and land situation of irregular settlements, socio-economic diagnoses, monitoring of regularization processes, legal advice, local and mass housing plans, social assistance, urbanization and sanitation projects, post-occupation management, family removals and resettlements, social and human development activities. >> Learn more


Accredited Inspections

IEME Brasil received the INMETRO Accreditation from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology, which enables the company to act as an Accredited Inspection Body (OIA) and certify engineering projects prepared by public works concessionaires, especially those submitted to inspection of the transport regulatory agencies ARTESP (São Paulo) and ANTT (national). In Brazil, only 13 companies – including IEME – have OIA status. >> Learn more



LAEDE – Laboratory of Acoustics and Dynamic and Static Tests, founded in 2012, is part of IEME Brasil Engenharia Consultativa. With the experience acquired in instrumentation and monitoring of civil and metro-rail structures, LAEDE emerged to meet the demand in Brazil for high-capacity static and dynamic mechanical tests carried out in the laboratory. >> Learn more